DigiMastered Works LLC
Office of Development
Date 07/01/2021 02:40PM
To: The People
From: Tanner Fry
Subject: Sedation - A 2D Platformer
In the below videos we have a small sample of what was to be a game. Created with Python using PyGame, a cross-platform set of Python modules, Sedation brings together a few different features to showcase what is capable when using PyGame.
Sedation utilizes the Simple DirectMedia Library (SDL) with the intention of allowing real-time computer game development without the low-level mechanics of the C programming language and its derivatives. This is taking into account that complex functions, inside many C language games and their derivatives, can be abstracted from the game logic. This allows for a high-level language, like Python, to be used to design games with efficiency.
The PyGame set of modules also includes 2D sprite scene graph management, advanced freetype font support, camera, collision detection, drawing, filtering, MIDI support, pixel-array detection, transformations, and vector math.
Some features include:
- Art design concepts -
- Engine functions for running the game -
- Game design/structure -
- Level templates for later design -
- Tile editor for level design -
Approved for release: 07/01/2021 ID: IB1001